Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekly Goals #5: Let's Get Real

Okay, so things haven't gone exactly as I'd hoped food-wise. Time for some major refocusing! And some major "getting real":

Weeks to Disney Departure: 7
Current Weight: 186.6
Goal: Lose 15 pounds by Saturday, October 6 (Goal Weight: 171.6)

Now that we're so close to Disney (where did those 4 weeks go??), I have to be realistic in my weigh-loss goals. I'm not going to lose 30 pounds in 7 weeks, nor should I. So I have to do what I can do and be proud of my efforts. I have not been pleased with my efforts over the past 4 weeks--I've munched and eaten bad for no good reason. Laziness and compulsion, mostly.

Now for the week's goals:

  • Write everything down. DO IT!
  • Weigh myself on Monday morning.
  • Do something 3 days this week. If I can make the gym at least once, that'll be golden.
  • Write a letter to my grandma by Wednesday.
  • Clean the kitchen.
  • Finish putting away all my clothes and Munch's.
Disney 2006


  1. Tuesday check-in: Did well with food last night. Keeping my eye on the prize!

  2. Wednesday check-in: Rough day yesterday. Had lunch with Hubs and he wanted to go to a diner he likes and I've never been to. Then it was SFIL's birthday and I ate a rather giant and delicious piece of cake. Back on the track today.
