Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Weekend Wrapup: Visiting and Moving

We spent last weekend in Pittsburgh, visiting Hub's brother and my sister.

The Highlight:
  • After a few hours of unloading the moving truck at Tina's, Hub's jumped in the shower. Munch also was a sweaty mess from running around the backyard (trying to get puppy Scully while I held the two of them apart). So he took his first shower! Daddy held him and Munch laughed as the water pelted him. He loved it! We do have a water baby.
The Good:
  • Munch's overall mood. He was just a happy guy the whole time. He sat on my lap most of Friday night, just hanging out while the adults conversed
  • Munch eating Honey Smacks (what I knew as Sugar Smacks in my youth). He sat on my lap while Grandma T fed them to him. This meant a great deal to her, as her mom always gave them to us.
  • Munch being so enthralled with Zachary. He played with Grandma T and a video game car at dinner, with Zach next to him, and he kept looking at him and clearly wanting to mimic him.
  • Munch doing this little laugh now when he sees something he wants or that excites him.
  • Munch in the car. We timed both rides at his nap time and he slept for hours. If not for some traffic difficulties on the way back, he would have slept the entire way. This seems the way to go.
  • Nate's place. Gorgeous inside, very welcoming, and a wonderful place to stay. King-sized bed and all.
  • Ah, food. Domino's Cheesy Bread. It lives up to the commercial. And Key Lime Pancakes for breakfast. The wings at Primanti Bros--carmelized and crunchy.
  • Watching Nate play Minecraft--such a silly game, hilarious how into it he is.
  • Munch's ease of going to sleep for naps and bedtime. It was a welcome change!
  • So much time reading, as my Hubs drove the entire way back.
  • Rain! It rained Sunday, and I wanted it to.
The What???
  • By now you can guess: The heat and humidity. Ugh.
  • Houses with faulty A/C. Nate's downstairs was wonderfully cool, but in the bedrooms, it was pretty hot. We had fans (which fascinated Munch), but it just didn't cut it.

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