Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Resolution Update, Week 5

Here we are a month+ into  2013 and some of my resolutions are on track, others are in need of refocus, and others have been dropped entirely.

1. Blog once a week. Happily doing it, at least 1 post a week.

2. Work out 4 days a week. SO frustrating with this one--I got a cold and then a stomach thing 2 weeks in a row--no working out. I got back into the gym and it felt SO good on Thursday and especially Friday--and now I have the most terrible sinus infection. I feel I won't be consistently in the gym until about March at this rate. And I've bought some awesome workout clothes!

3. Track food 5 days. Have not done it and have gained. I've been "eye-balling" it and that doesn't work for me and I know it.

4. Avoid chocolate. I haven't overdone snacking at night, even with eating small bits of chocolate in WW and Skinny Cow snacks.

5. Read 15 mins a day. I'm going to add "5 days a week" to this one. Part of my problem sticking to this one is my sicknesses--I've been so tired and unable to focus; but another part is I'm quite ready to be done with Count of Monte Cristo--and I've still got 1,500 Nook pages to go.

6. No Dish Left Behind. We are rocking this one. Though I hate having to unload the dishwasher pretty much constantly, not having dirty dishes piling up has helped my mindset so much.

7. Write 60 minutes. Have not done it, and need to do it.

8. Try 2 new recipes/month. Tried 3 new recipes in January--the brunch recipe (a hit); minestrone (good, but got my stomach flu in the middle of eating up the crock pot and so now it sounds disgusting); Hungry Girl lemon squares (ok; I burned the crust and that sort of knocked down some enjoyment).

9. and 10. Twitter and iPhone. These have fallen off. I'm revising to be: Do not check my phone after getting home until Munch goes to bed. Really, that's the issue for me--staying engaged with Munch and not getting sucked into my phone.

Refocusing my energy for all, and looking forward to more healthy days back in the gym!

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