Monday, June 25, 2012

End of the Millenium

I'm a little late to the party, but I finished The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest and therefore the Millenium Trilogy. I shall miss Lisbeth and her quirks and totally unique way of looking at the world.


The end leaves me feeling slightly empty, emotionally. I don't know if this may have to do with the fact that the book is from a Swedish author, and perhaps the international sensibilities are different from my preferences, or if it simply has to do with the fact that Stieg Larsson was a man. But I was quite uninterested in what happened with Niedermann and would much rather have spent the final pages watching Lisbeth reconnect with those who supported her throughout her problems: Armansky, Holger, even Erica, and, of course, Mikael Blomkvist.

I've read that there was at least a fourth book planned, and I'm rather devestated to hear that Larsson may have even planned to write 10 books in this series. How I wish he could have had the chance, because I think he would have really expanded on Lisbeth's emotional life. And, if this was his plan, then probably he didn't want to give everything in the third book. What a loss for his fans not to have the full picture of Lisbeth Salander, whom he clearly had envisioned in brilliant and vibrant colors.

And, call me a romantic or a melodramatic, but I desperately wanted Lisbeth and Blomkvist to rekindle their love affair. I wanted to see her "claim" him, and demand that he claim her in return.

Maybe that's what's fan fiction is for?

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