Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ear Infections Can Suck It

Waaaay back in January 2012, Munch got ear tubes when he was 9 months old. Though he was young, it was the absolute right decision; he'd endured infection after infection for months, really since he started getting the ever-present colds that accompany day care enrollment.

After the procedure, which was an incredibly stressful experience, Munch going under anethesia for the first time, his ear infections went away. He no longer needed to be on antibiotics pretty much every couple weeks. His speech blossomed. His tubes fell out last summer and September and I waited with bated breath. He got his typical colds through the fall and winter; rarely did he need an antibiotic and never for an ear infection. Hubs and I thought we were out of the woods.

Unfortunately, the ear infections are back.

Munch started with a cold near the end of February. He got a fever that seemed unexplainable. I should have known then: both ears infected. I was pretty disappointed, but, figured, it was bound to happen once.

At his 2-year appointment, 2 weeks later, the infection wasn't cleared up. The doctor put him on a different, more powerful antibiotic.

Today, it turns out that both ears, but his left especially, are infected. Still.

I'm completely pissed. Now we have yet another antibiotic--this will be 6 weeks of about the last 7 that Munch has been on medicine. I'm left wondering WHY his ears aren't responding to the medicine. I HATE that he's surely in pain, uncomfortable. And, the prospect of a second set of tubes looms.

He comes by his ear infections genetically--I myself had two sets of tubes and I have slight hearing loss from my early years of constant infections. I know this isn't an end of the world type thing. But I just want him better. I want his nose to be clear, his eyes ungooped. Free of pain.

We'll see what the next 2 weeks bring. Munch is being his typical self--happy, sleeping pretty well, energetic. Besides a couple pokes at his ear, I wouldn't have known from observing him that his ears were infected. This is both a good and bad thing. He's a trooper, our little Munch.

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